MSR for Undoing Ocean Acidification, Prevent Mass Extinction
Prevent ocean acidification killing all plankton, leading to mass extinctions? Capture CO2 or carbonic acid, permanently? Molten Salt Reactors can provide the power.
Prevent ocean acidification killing all plankton, leading to mass extinctions? Capture CO2 or carbonic acid, permanently? Molten Salt Reactors can provide the power.
Molten Salt Reactors (such as LFTR) can produce hydrogen for fuel cells, without using oil/coal, and without producing long-term nuclear waste.
MSRs can’t have loss of coolant accidents, can’t have high-pressure explosions, produce no CO2, use uranium or thorium as fuel, eliminate long-term nuclear waste, are cleaner & cost less than coal or oil.
Use Heat from Molten Salt Reactors, running at much higher temperatures than water-cooled reactors, for Industrial uses, including making carbon-neutral fuels, or desalinating water.